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Grade R Maths and Language Improvement Programme Learning Exchange live
Published: 06 Nov 2023
The Grade R Maths and Language Improvement Programme Learning Exchange live took place on the 7th of November 2023. It was an opportunity for individuals, groups, and organisations as well as all other stakeholders with an interest in early literacy and numeracy learning foundations, to learn by exchanging ideas and sharing common solutions to the challenges faced by Grade R teachers in the classrooms.
Event News
Celebrating World Teachers Day 2023
Published: 04 Oct 2023
In 2023, World Teachers' Day celebrations will focus on the theme "The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage".
UKFIET Conference 2023
Published: 15 Sep 2023
The UKFIET Conference 2023 - Education For Social And Environmental Justice: Diversity, Sustainability, Responsibility Examination Schools, takes place 12 – 14 September in Oxford, UK.
UNESCO's Digital Learning Week
Published: 05 Sep 2023
UNESCO’s first Digital Learning Week takes place from 4 to 7 September 2023 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France
Event UNESCO Video Videos
National Women’s Day 2023
Published: 08 Aug 2023
This Women’s Month, we honour and remember the women who have paved the way for future generations. We acknowledge their courage, determination, and commitment to creating a more equitable society. We believe that every girl and woman deserves access to quality education.
[VIDEO] Kathy Tracey celebrates 30 years at JET
Published: 08 Aug 2023
In conversation with Kathy Tracey, Strategic Support Manager, celebrating her 30 years at JET Anniversary. Interviewed by Thato Meje, Human Resources Administrator.
[VIDEO] Nick Taylor celebrates 30 years at JET
Published: 08 Aug 2023
In conversation with Nick Taylor, Senior Research Associate, celebrating his 30th Anniversary at JET. Interviewed by: Zahraa McDonald, JET Specialist Manager: Research
JET Annual Report 2022
Published: 18 Jul 2023
We're pleased to share the JET Annual Report this Nelson Mandela Day
Publication Update
10 youth focused JET inititives to celebrate Youth Month
Published: 06 Jun 2023
National Youth Month (1-30 June 2023) is celebrated under the theme: “Accelerating youth economic emancipation for a sustainable future”. JET Education Services shares 10 youth-focused JET initiatives and publications to celebrate Youth Month
World Refugee Day 2023
Published: 05 Jun 2023
World Refugee Day is commemorated annually on the 20th of June. JET Education Services reflects on some of our work.
Bridging the Gap: World Cafe session
Published: 31 May 2023
World Cafe sessions are being conducted. The research is expected to inform advocacy for enhancing the breadth of skills in the South African education system. A key lever for enhancing the breadth of skills in the South African education system is teacher development.
events Events Bridging the Gap World Cafe STCSA
JET responds to the 2021 PIRLS results
Published: 17 May 2023
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), an international comparative study directed by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. PIRLS assesses and compares the reading performance of pupils in their fourth year of formal schooling across participating countries.
PIRLS statements
Meet our international Peace Corps Response Volunteer: Mark Forsberg
Published: 08 May 2023
JET Education Services has partnered with Peace Corps South Africa. Peace Corps Response sends experienced professionals to undertake short-term, high-impact service assignments in communities around the world. Mark Forsberg joined JET as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer in January 2023.
BLEND Symposium
Published: 13 Apr 2023
Learning and play are the two wings of a butterfly...
event Event News news

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