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JET retains its Silver accreditation from Investors in People

Investors in People (IiP) is delighted to re-award JET Education Services a silver accreditation

It means that the right principles are still in place but more than that, it means people and leaders are making active efforts to make sure that there’s real consistency and everyone in the organisation is feeling the effects!

JET Education Services aims to positively impact education policy and implementation in South Africa and Africa through rethinking current education systems and engaging in evidence-based research.

JET first engaged with Investors in People in June 2016. The aim of the engagement was to improve our organisational culture as a means to ensuring sustainability and the well-being of our staff. JET achieved accredited status on the developed level of the Standard, and in December 2018, JET was awarded the Best Newcomer award from Investors in People International at a ceremony in London. In 2020, JET was accredited its Silver status indicating that JET is an organisation that cares about its people and has succeeded in achieving a culture shift that reflects this.

The accreditation with IiP is valid for three years, so earlier this year we began our third assessment process. 

In the words of our CEO, James Keevy: “We believe that the culture change we aimed to achieve in 2016, is now in place, and that IiP can help us to sustain this, and think ahead to avoid being complacent”.

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: We’d like to congratulate JET Education Services. Silver accreditation on We invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places JET in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.

IiP believes that the success of any organisation begins and ends with people. If we make work better for everyone, we make work better for every organisation. And if we do that, we make society stronger, healthier and happier.

 From the report:

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 Our Silver accreditation, which recognises the contribution of all who work at JET,  will expire in October 2026.

 What is IiP?

Investors in People works to assist organisations to improve their people management processes and ethos in order to achieve their desired goals and ensure sustainability. There are 14,000 organisations across the world which hold the internationally recognised IiP accreditation. See the Investors in People website for more information. 

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