The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has intensified challenges in our societies, adding complexity and accompanying turmoil to different economic and labour market developments. When governments started to react to the pandemic with lockdown, social distancing and other safety measures, many services around the world were reduced or shut down when most needed. Career-development support, notably, was at risk at an unprecedented time of social and economic turmoil. Such reductions and closures were particularly worrying since career guidance and counselling would be essential in assisting individuals, families and communities to successfully cope with the challenges of unprecedentedly turbulent transitions into and within the labour market.
Based on a flash joint international survey – carried out from June to August 2020 – the 'Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic' report provides a snapshot of how career guidance policies, systems and services were adapting and coping, following the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020.