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Modern society attributes great value to the formal recognition of learning through qualifications as the agreed and trusted proxy for the knowledge, skills and competencies of individuals. But migrants and refugees are unlikely to have documentary evidence of formally acquired skills and non-formal learning.
This World Refugee Day, observed on the 20th June,  we highlight recommendations from JET’s scoping study for the International Labour organisation and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region on The Potential of Skills Development and Recognition for Regulated Labour Mobility in the IGAD Region.
  • RECOMMENDATION#1: Integrate migrants early
  • RECOMMENDATION#2: Take stock of migrants’ skills
  • RECOMMENDATION#3: Approach skills recognition in its multiplicity
  • RECOMMENDATION#5: Use technology to automate migrant data collection
  • RECOMMENDATION#6: Develop tailor-made approaches
  • RECOMMENDATION#7: Explore the benefits of more open policies on access and rights
  • RECOMMENDATION#8: Prioritise the development of TVET system in member states
  • RECOMMENDATION#9: Listen to the migrant
  • RECOMMENDATION#10: Take a broad view of the role of IGAD
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