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Statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa: 2022.

The Department of Higher Education and Training recently released its report statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa in 2022. The 13th in the series, this extensive report provides valuable statistical information on various aspects of the PSET landscape, including student enrollment and completion and other performance data. Additionally, the report contains detailed statistics on staffing levels at PSET institutions, Workplace-Based Learning and financial data. Stakeholders are encouraged to make use of this report for effective planning, budget allocation, and reporting within the PSET system.

The Department of Higher Education and Training aims to enhance the capabilities of the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system to support the growth and advancement of the nation. This document presents data on institutions, students, programs, staff, and funding within the PSET sector, which falls under the Department's supervision. Efforts are ongoing to enhance the quality of data collected from PSET institutions and public entities, ensuring the accuracy and dependability of the Department's reports.

The reports can be accessed through this link.

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