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Some important highlights:

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said the class of 2019 had breached the 80% threshold for the first time, they've achieved a pass rate of 81.3%, from 78.2% in 2018.
A total of 788,383 full-time and part-time candidates wrote the exams. Further analysis of the results show that:
  • The Free State is the leading province at 88.4%, an improvement of 0.9% from 2018.
  • Gauteng achieved 87.2%, a 0.7% decline from 2018.
  • North West achieved 86.8%, an improvement of 5.6% from 2018.
  • The Western Cape achieved 82.3%, a 0.8% improvement from 2018.
  • KwaZulu-Natal achieved 81.3%, an improvement of 5.1% from 2018.
  • Mpumalanga achieved 80.3%, a 1.4% improvement from 2018.
  • The Eastern Cape and Northern Cape tied at seventh, with both achieving 76.5%. The pass rate in the Eastern Cape improved by 5.9%, making it the most improved province, while the Northern Cape improved by 3.2% from 2018.
  • Limpopo achieved a pass rate of 73.2%, representing an improvement of 3.8% from 2018.
It is important to note that a total of 330 730 candidates (equivalent to 65.6%), who achieved Bachelor and Diploma passes, are eligible for studies at higher education institutions.  The 78 984 candidates, and equivalent to 15.7%, who obtained certificate passes, may register at TVET and other skills training institutions.
For more details, see Minister Angie Motshekga: Release of NSC Examination Results


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