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JET Exchanges 3/2021: Parental involvement

Every parent, regardless of socio-economic status, wants their children to be successful and enjoy better lives (Amoateng et al, 2004, Amposah et al, 2018), and Bronfenbrenner (1979) argues that the relationship and interaction between the child and his/her parents are important factors in a child’s development outcomes.

The JET Exchanges: Parental involvement for school improvement: A South African perspective paper gives a brief introduction and background to parental and caregiver involvement in schools, particularly in rural schools in South Africa, through reviewing some of the literature on the subject. It also presents some suggestions on what can be done to improve parental involvement in rural schools. The intention of this paper is to stimulate discussion on this important aspect of school improvement.

In collaboration with Reos Partners, we invite all stakeholders interested in this project to engage with the concepts and content of the paper, and we welcome any further engagement on this topic. Download the JET Exchanges 3/2021: Parental involvement for school improvement: A South African perspective

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