Moloko Mashabathakga's role involves overseeing and enhancing the organisation's learning processes through project evaluations and data analysis. Her work is centered on organisational learning—understanding what works, what doesn't, and why. This knowledge informs next steps, shaping strategies, policies, and improving various programs at JET.
Part of her responsibilities includes designing data collection tools, such as questionnaires, focus groups, and observation checklists. Integrating modern technologies like real-time monitoring systems and mobile data collection tools into these designs adds another layer of innovation to her role.
She is currently involved in several projects, and her biggest highlight is managing her first project, the Mkhulise Young Minds Development Programme. The project aims to assess how well the programme is being implemented, gauge beneficiary perceptions, and explore early outcomes. The programme objectives are to ascertain the extent to which the programme has been implemented as planned; identify key factors that contribute to the successes or challenges of the programme; and identify emerging outcomes. Another highlight has been facilitating a Theory of Change workshop bringing together diverse stakeholders and guiding them toward a common vision.
She recently had the opportunity to present at a professional conference: the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) conference. One of Moloko’s proudest achievements has been the outcome harvesting project, which showcases some of JET’s work over the years, including a research bootcamp project that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moloko advocates for evaluations to be seen not merely as assessment tools but as instruments for ongoing learning and development. This will encourage open communication about evaluation results, fostering an environment where organisations can learn, grow, and adapt programs based on insights gained. Her role at JET has allowed her to be at the centre of learning and strategy development and has been fulfilling working for an organisation that aims to improve education in South Africa.