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Higher Education Today show on Microcredentials featured JET CEO, James Keevy won an award.

Congratulations to Steven Rey Goodman from Higher Education Today, who has won the Silver Telly Award in the Public Interest & Awareness category for his interview with James Keevy (CEO of JET Education Services), Nadia Starr (CEO of South African Qualification Authority - SAQA), and Trudi van Wyk (Chief Director: Social Inclusion and Quality at the Department of Higher Education).

The interview took place on July 10, 2023, at UCT TV studios. You can watch the production here

The discussions covered the significance of microcredentials, the recognition of the formal or informal short courses provided by universities, business schools, community skills centres, colleges, and companies, along with microcredentials rooted in technological systems.

Higher Education Today is a television talk show that connects viewers to contemporary issues, people, and institutions involved in the world of higher education. Higher Education Today runs on UDC-TV (an educational access television station based in Washington, D.C). Each half-hour episode covers a new education subject. See more here.

Read more about the awards here.

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