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4th HRDC Summit 2021

The 4th #HRDCSummit2021 taking place in Johannesburg & virtually.

The Deputy President of South Africa and Chairperson of the HRDC, Hon. DD Mabuza delivered the opening address at the 4th HRDC Summit highlighting the need to offer practical opportunities for skills development to a very diverse range of young people and adults. 

Our CEO James Keevy, gives an address on microlearning, credential fluency and interoperable data ecosystems at the 4th HRDC Summit 2021 - Building a Capable Developmental State. "Skills Required for the 21st Century" "Learning outcomes can be used to describe knowledge, skills and competences"

You can still register to join the summit taking place virtually 11 - 13 August. To book your place for the much-anticipated conversations and discussions, kindly click on the link for Online Registration:
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