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TICZA Implementation Compendium Issue 2 2024
Author: Freda Walters
Published: 2024

In 2015, various stakeholders joined efforts to design a pilot project that aimed to improve the quality of newly qualified teachers who studied through distance education. Save the Children South Africa (SCSA), in partnership with key stakeholders, designed and implemented the District Based Teacher Recruitment Strategy (DBTRS) project in the Thabo Mofutsanyana Education District (TMED) of the Free State.

Keywords: TICZA, Compendium
TICZA Annual Report 2023
Author: TICZA
Published: 2024

Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa's (TICZA) Annual Report, December 2023

Keywords: TICZA
TICZA Implementation Compendium Issue 1 2024
Author: Zahraa McDonald
Published: 2024

TICZA (the Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa) is a collective impact project designed to support mutually-reinforcing activities among discrete actors in the education sector related to initial teacher education. Collective impact as a concept is designed to address complex problems through the collaborative efforts of multiple stakeholders. In a collective impact project, emphasis is on alignment and partnership between government, private and third sector organisations that work towards shared goals and measure the same things. In order to ensure that shared goals are mutually understood and consistently measured, reaching consensus on terminology is an essential starting point. Given the complex and dynamic nature of teacher education, it should not be surprising that terminology may need to be adapted. Critically, though, all stakeholders in the collective impact project ought to be abreast of policy terminology. Moreover, where contestation arises amongst stakeholders in the collective impact project regarding concepts, existing policy should be deferred to and aligned with.

Keywords: TICZA, Compendium
TICZA Theory of Change
Author: TICZA
Published: 2022

The Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) Theory of Change (TOC)

Keywords: TICZA
TICZA Stakeholder map
Author: TICZA
Published: 2022

The Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) stakeholder map

Keywords: TICZA
A model of collective impact: Click here for the write up and recording
Author: TICZA
Published: 2022

The Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) is a multi-stakeholder partnership with support from government departments, trade unions, non-profits, universities, and implementers that was formally launched in 2021. Its stakeholders invest in extended student teacher internships for distance ITE students, as an attractive auxiliary option for student teacher training. This was the focus of a webinar held on 29 September 2022 and facilitated by Trialogue, a responsible business consultancy. The webinar featured discussions on the importance of teacher internships, the origins of TICZA, and the deliberate process of adopting and implementing a collective impact approach.

Keywords: ticza, TICZA, Ticza
Trialogue Webinar: A model of collective impact: TICZA
Author: Zukiswa
Published: 2022

Trialogue and TICZA are hosting a webinar on 29 September 2022 sharing insights on collective impact and how this is being adopted to bring about systemic change in the education sector.

Keywords: TICZA, Events, events, event, Event
TICZA Annual Report 2022
Author: TICZA
Published: 2022

Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa's (TICZA) Annual Report, December 2021

Keywords: TICZA

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